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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Another Ride

I was on my bike at 6:30 this morning. I rode up Green Canyon for a change. Fall has left its early fingerprints on the vegetation. Some mornings have been quite chilly, even down into the upper 40s. This morning I wore a windbreaker; and my hands and feet were cold.

Maples and aspen
Have lost their bright green luster,
Now soft yellow-green

On my way down the sun came over the mountains, rising into a clear blue sky. It was so drastic seeing the trail change instantly from shadow to bright sun. It wasn't just the change from dark to light, it was the effect of the bicycle's motion over the trail. Rolling fast down a single track gives the illusion of the whole world rushing past you as if you were standing still. The instantaneous contrast between shadow and sun combined with speed blinded me.

From shadow to sun
My world bright, flying past me
Blind, for a moment.

I am still getting use to my new bike. She don't climb, she don't climb, terrain.

My new bike climbs slow
Compared to the old one, or,
Perhaps it's just me.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Robert,
    Glad you are writing again. I am reading and enjoying!
    I love you,


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